Frequently asked questions

To start on the Sharfi site, you must first register on the website. The process is very simple. Go to the main page of the site and click on the “Login” option. Then enter your mobile number, first and last name and create a user password. Finally, enter the code that will be sent to your mobile number and register it. These explanations are more clearly stated.

After creating a user account on the Sharfi website and completing the authentication and verification process, you can top up your Tomani account using the banking portal. After charging, using the ordering system, you can register a currency purchase request with your desired price and volume specifications. If there is a seller for your purchase, your order will be completed. After completing the purchase, the wallet associated with the desired currency will be charged automatically, and you can also send a request to withdraw the currency from your wallet.

The price of currency depends on several factors, some of which are mentioned below:

1. Supply and demand: The balance between supply and demand for a currency can determine the price. If the demand for a currency is higher than its supply, the price of the currency will increase and vice versa.

2. Economic factors: Economic factors such as the country’s economic situation, inflation rate, monetary and financial policies, interest rate, and the country’s commercial situation can affect the currency price.

3. Decisions of the government and the central bank: The decisions of the government and the central bank can change the price of currency by changing interest rates, commercial policies, sanctions and monetary and foreign exchange policies.

4. Global and political factors: political changes in countries, international events, fluctuations in global financial markets and political-economic developments in other countries can also affect the price of currencies.

5. Technical and market analyses: Technical and market analyzes based on patterns and indicators, past price changes, and market trend analysis can help determine the future price of currencies. Finally, currency prices are the result of the interaction of several complex factors, and it is difficult to accurately predict prices due to constant changes in these factors.

Transactions on digital currency networks require approval from the blockchain network to be added to a block. The time of confirmation of traction in digital currencies depends on the conditions of the respective blockchain network and is completely variable. This period of time may last a few minutes, a few hours or even a few days

The common ways to receive foreign currency in the destination country are:

  1. Exchange: visiting reputable exchanges and exchanging your money with the local currency of the destination country
  2. Bank: Using banking services to convert money into the desired currency.
  3. Prepaid cards: using prepaid cards to receive and use the desired currency in stores and online sites.

License and legal permits: A valid exchange must have the required licenses and permits from the legal authorities in the country in which it operates. These licenses show the formality and government approval of the exchange and people can use its services with confidence.

Transparency in the exchange rate and costs: The exchange must announce the exchange rate and costs related to the exchange in a clear and transparent manner. People should know how much currency is exchanged in the currency exchange and what fees are charged as additional fees.

Security and data protection: An exchange must care about the security and data protection of its customers. This includes the use of strong encryption technologies and security measures to prevent unauthorized access to customer account information.